EZPack® provides unique proprietary solutions for clean water:
- OFF-GRID water solutions: EZCond™ -proprietary atmospheric water generator (AWG); EZPuro™ - compact robotic water purification and desalination system; Thermoflex™ - hybrid water heating system.
- Water storage, transportation and distribution solutions based on our proprietary 2-layers bladders technology.
The company is currently active in Israel, North and South America and Afric
Alex Harel
Kibbutz Shomrat 2521800, Israel
Company's Solutions
EZPuro™ - a robotic reverse-osmosis (RO) water purification or desalination system. EZPuro™ technology allows to purify 99.3% of all the contamination in the feed water. This implicates that EZPuro™ provides extremely pure water that can be used for many purposes with zero user intervention.
EZCond™ - an Atmospheric Water Generator (AGW) uses humid ambient air as a source for producing water. The EZCond™ is based on our innovative off-grid energy storage in large volume water bladders, and therefore requires less energy pre liter of water produced.
Bladders - EZPack has a full line of pillow (“bladder”) water tanks from 10 liters (2.5 gallons) up to 24,000 liters (6,000 gallons). The EZPack water tank is built from 2 layers: the outside layer – very rigid PVC that can endure harsh terrains; the inside layer – an inner insert made of food-graded material approved for storing drinking water. The inner-insert is the most advanced water product for emergency use, and it is based on EZPack proprietary design and concept. EZPack products line is a comprehensive solution for water distribution – easy to store; quick to install; low cost. The WSDS does not require any maintenance and require very small space when stored.
JerryFlex™ - Jerry-Can Replacement - The JerryFlex™ is a 20-liter/5-gallon 2 layers bladder that is aimed to replace the standard rigid jerry-can.
Water Supply for firefighting.
- FlexCon™ - kit to covert 20’ container into a 24,000-liter tanker.
- HipoKit™ - Conversion kit for flatbed truck or trailer – up to 28,000-liter.
- Spider™ - Detachable Mobile Water Unit - The Spider™ replaces the old Buffalo. It is a mobile water unit on trailer or truck, which can be place in the field and free the vehicle for other missions.
- Lagoon™ line – Water storage for 4WD, pickups and SUVs.
Prominent Case Study
Implemented in the framework of the Pears Program-IsraAID Pilot Fund, the effectiveness of EZPack® EZPuro™ reverse osmosis technology in providing safe drinking water to indigenous and Afro-descendant populations in Colombia was evaluated. This pilot was the first time EZPuro was implemented in a humanitarian context, supported by the Embassy of Israel in Colombia, the Rothschild Foundation Israel, and the Jewish Funders Network. Over 14 months, 404 people in the communities of Garciamana and Jasaishao, La Guajira department, benefited from the project.
The pilot's desired outcomes as defined at the outset were:
- Target communities gain sustainable access to safe water, leading to improved health and sanitary conditions, as a result of the implementation of the EZPuro system.
- Through this intervention, community members have increased awareness & knowledge of hygiene and sanitation practices (personal hygiene, water storage, waterborne disease).
To achieve these outcomes, IsraAID worked to ensure that targeted communities have a water treatment solution and distribution system in place and functioning; a committee of trained community members have the capacity to operate & maintain the water system; hygiene related information is created and disseminated to the community; and that local stakeholders are exposed to and aware of EZPuro™ potential impact.
The evaluation relied on IsraAID’s data collection, including pre- and post-tests, interviews, surveys, observations, water quality tests and additional methods. In tandem with assessing the extent to which the above outcomes were achieved, the evaluation focuses on the following questions:
- How effective was EZPuro® operation and performance in the targeted setting? What is the added value of this technology?
- Is EZPuro™ a relevant solution for humanitarian contexts? What adaptations, if any, are needed for use in these settings?
- How does improving communities’ hygiene and water sanitation behaviors, along with increasing the local capacity to operate the system, complement the work of EZPuro™? What best practices can be identified as part of holistic, community-based implementation of this technological solution?
- IsraAID staff and the target community found the system to be relevant, reliable, and useful for the given context. IsraAID has already purchased another machine for implementation in another community in Colombia.
- The EZPuro™ reverse osmosis system succeeded in removing over 91% of contaminants from local water supply, thereby providing safe drinking water to the local indigenous community of Wayuu, located in Garciamana, La Guajira.
- With EZPuro™, a central distribution point in the community provided 2,000 liters of potable water (and 900 liters of wastewater used for other purposes) per day in Garciamana over 6 hours of functioning each day - almost twice the original spec projections, and more than is needed in the local community.
- There is high satisfaction with EZPack® technical support and troubleshooting for IsraAID staff on the ground. At the same time, the provision of EZPuro™ was not in accordance with the established timeline, resulting in delays in program implementation, in addition to damages incurred during shipping which required replacement parts to be found, procured, and reinstalled on site.
- 3 Water Committee members were trained and are effectively operating and maintaining the EZPuro™ system, demonstrating the community’s increasing ability to operate the system independently, although some in the community identified a need for more extensive IsraAID support at the pilot’s outset.
- Given the high volume of water provided by the system, the Water Committee and IsraAID created a business model of selling additional safe water to 2 neighboring communities, thereby offsetting the cost of EZPuro™ maintenance.
- 122 community members of Jasaishao acquired knowledge of hygiene practices, sanitation, and water management, showing an average of approximately 43% improvement in these topics. 3 Communal spaces are equipped with visible stickers and information, increasing community awareness of WASH-related topics.
Further future improvements by EZPack®
- The technical support provided by EZPack® should be viewed as an excellent and important model for ensuring customer support in future initiatives.
- Adaptations for various power sources and formats (AC vs DC) need to be considered by EZPack® preceding delivery when building the system. Mapping these specs around the world and preparing systems accordingly will overcome this issue.
- The issue of replacement piping needs to be taken into account by EZPack® when preparing systems for specific locations, to ensure that replacement pieces are easily purchased and replaced locally (different sized pipes are more common in different locations).
- Future deployment of the EZPuro™ machine should consider a more realistic delivery timeline and supply chain concerns.
- EZPack® should include a list of recommendations for technical use, including purchasing a battery for the system if used with solar power. Other specific technical recommendations tailored to the context, if provided by the company, will increase non-technical professionals’ ability to install and use EZPuro™.
- While the monitoring function with Wifi capabilities could offer a solution to maintenance challenges, internet access is often unreliable in humanitarian contexts and therefore should not be relied on. Offline data collection solutions could be integrated.