ODIS offers many years of field-proven systems which produce safe drinking water from any contaminated water source. =
ODIS systems are built for rough operation conditions and can deliver water immediately after arrival to the site.
Odis emergency systems proved their effectiveness in numerous humanitarian-relief and emergency situations including earthquakes, Tsunamis, droughts, floods, refugee camps, distant rural areas and conflict areas.
Menachem Ghertner
Company's Solutions
ODIS offers two series of water treatment systems that together constitute comprehensive response to emergencies. These are:
- WaterPoint® Series – optimal for: High Turbidity Rivers, Lakes & Ponds, Rivers & Canals, Fresh Boreholes, Surface Water.
- LitePure® Series – optimal for: Sea Water, Brackish Water, Saline Water, Saline Boreholes
The WaterPoint-EX® series is designed for very high turbidity water sources due to its automatic DECA clarifier.
The LitePure-EX® series is a uniquely designed for emergency situations. The unique system can treat any water source in any condition, including sea water, surface water, brackish water, reservoirs, canal etc.. and supply safe water within 30 min from arrival to the site.
Odis systems are designed for heavy-duty tasks and can be supplied in various formats – skid mounted, trailer mounted or containerized, which makes highly mobile.
Hours of operation Up to 24 hrs./day
Installation All emergency treatment plants can be skid-mounted, trailer-mounted or packed in steel shell containers
that allow convenient transportation, simple on-site installation, and mobility.
Operation Automatic and Manual operation options
Energy Self-contained with generator or powered by external sources including solar panels
Service ODIS worldwide service is offered 24/7
Prominent Case Study
The mobile desalination plant provided to Chile during the recent massive earthquake.
THE NEED: An earthquake scaled 8.8 on the moment magnitude scale occurred off the coast of the Maule Region of Chile.
Afterwards, a Tsunami wave followed the earthquake, thus causing an urgent need for fresh water supply.
ODIS SOLUTION: 4 X Trailer-mounted LitePure EXT® systems were shipped by air to the disaster area. These systems can treat ANY type of water source, including sea water and supply safe drinking water immediately after they arrive to the operation site. As a result, ODIS quick response enabled providing fresh water to the residents. Additional equipment such as tanks, submersible pumps and laboratory kit were also sent, providing complete mobile drinking water plant.