The SBP technology is a method for bioaugmentation that gives the user full control over three significant factors in water and wastewater treatment: a. the type of bacteria in the water; b. the amount of bacteria in the water; c. the location of the bacteria within the water body.
Such control leads to great savings on infrastructure and reduction in operational activities when treating water. This also allows for new types of treatments.
Gabi Wolkinson
Edison park, Afikim
Company's Solutions
All our solutions are based on the SBP technology. Some are stand-alone solutions and some as an add-on to existing facilities.
The SBP technology is best used for:
- Nitrate removal no matter sludge age
- Treating excess organic matter and hydraulic loads
- Enhancing existing sanitary facilities by up to 20%
- Increasing plant efficiency
- Back up in stress cases
- Assist in stabilizing treatment processes
- Industrial wastewater treatment
- Food and beverage wastewater treatment
- Retrofitting of existing WWT plants with limited footprint
- Biological pre-treatment of drinking water
- Polishing treated effluents (industrial & sanitary)
- Small & average size facilities in remote area
Emergency applications:
- Biomass recovery (domestic wastewater treatment plant) after over flow episodes (CSO).
- Oil spillage events
- Preamble reactive biological barriers (PRBB) for industrial spillage.
Prominent Case Study
Municipal (Domestic/Sanitary) Wastewater Treatment
The SBP process in domestic wastewater treatment is offered as an enhancing treatment, alongside the existing biomass that is naturally present in the bioreactor (mixed liquor). The two processes operate concurrently, so that the amount and variety of microorganisms that are active in the process increase significantly and lead to more effective decomposition of pollutants. The technology is integrated into the existing infrastructures at the wastewater treatment plant and its implementation does not require a significant investment.
Domestic treatment applications that can be achieved using the SBP technology.
- Increase of Treatment efficacy, without the need for significant infrastructure upgrading (up to 10% increases per day on COD treatment).
- Selective contaminants removal (nitrates, phenols, fat and oils, mineral oils, etc.).
- Waste sludge (WAS) reduction of up to 20%.
- Nitrate removal: inducing a de-nitrification process in the secondary clarifier without disturbing the phase separation process.
- Improvement of the effluent quality.
- Inducing and achieving long-term bio-process stabilization (reduction in the frequency and intensity of bio-process stress episodes as well as reduction in the biomass recovery time).
- Annual treatment yield increase as a result of the improvements indicated in sections 1, 2 and 6.
Technology infrastructure implementation:
The SBP capsules are placed in water-permeable, perforated cages made of polypropylene/PVC and stainless steel connectors. The perforated cage dimensions for SBP capsules insertion are 60*60*30 cm (l x h x d). The cage pores have a diameter of 0.8 cm. They can be submerged in liquid up to a depth 1-1.5 m below the water surface. These cages are inserted into the mixed liquor by manual cranes that are placed on the bridges of the aerobic cells. There are two major types of introduction devices: On-bridge installation (see in Nir Etzion Project) and bioreactor wall-attached installation (see in Kfar Tabor Project).
For a de-nitrification procedure, the perforated cages are positioned in the secondary clarifiers, 2 m below the water surface. Post de-nitrification is conducted within the perforated cages away from the settling sludge. The procedure therefore does NOT disturb the phase separation process.
About Nir Etzion Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant:
The DWWTP, uses an activated sludge (A2O) technology treatment. The raw wastewater is drained from a wide range of communities and streams of industrial waste from the food industry. The designed treatment capacity of the DWWTP was 5000 cubic meters per day. The actual inflow capacity is approximately 5500 cubic meter per a day (~10 % increase).
The study:
BioCastle SBP technology was implemented within the WWTP bioreactor for helping to stabilize the treatment process and reduce the WAS fraction. The case study period was 14 months and 120,000 SBP capsules were implemented inside the host bioreactor during that time.
Summary of findings:
Initial Parameters During the SBP treatment Effluent Quality regulations (Irrigation)
COD [mg/l] 95±106 23±8 100
BOD [mg/l] 28±45 6±0 10
TSS [mg/l] 28±10 10±2 10
Ptot [mg/l] 5 6 5
Ntot [mg/l] 35±18 17±5 25
WAS amount was reduced by approximately 20%. This was only possible by having a very stable bio-process that is allowed significant increase of MLSS levels.
SSV values were improved, indicating better settlement activity.