For more than 85 years, Mekorot has embodied the unique Israeli spirit: daring, sophistication, and innovation in the face of the complex challenges of the Israeli water economy. These challenges are derived from the country’s location on the edge of the desert and lean sources of water, which face constant threats.
We do this by constantly pushing the limits of knowledge and expanding the capabilities of water technologies.
Company's Solutions
Technological innovation is us.
Demand for water forces Mekorot to constantly look ahead, to lead the world to a safer and more stable future of water. We understand that this hoped-for future is found in technology and its infinite possibilities for information management and start-of-the-art tools, innovative and even revolutionary infrastructures for the efficient dealing with the growing water challenges, such as global desertification. That is our direction, that is where we are going – to create a digital and technological water economy.
Rapida is an AI-infused cloud-based platform equiped with proprietary machine-learning and computer-vision algorithms that uses cutting-edge technology to measure, predict, and ensure the structural health of aging or newly-built infrastructure and utility assets.
CQM Water:
CQM WATER’s core patented (chemical free, self-cleaning) technology enables on-site generation of a mix of oxidants (mainly hypochlorite) upon demand, eliminating the need for the transportation and storage of hazardous materials such as gas/liquid hypochlorite, cleaning acids and labor-intensive maintenance.
A smart sensor for real-time monitoring of chemical and bacterial parameters.
The Olive cloud-based AI system calculates molecule concentrations using proprietary algorithms, analyzes and tracks collected data, and alerts the user to any changes or anomalies. Olive is developing the worlds first real time Bromoform/Chloroform Meter.
Our mission is to use Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning to make machines smarter with our predictive maintenance product, DataMind. Razor Labs ability to fuse together various data sources coupled with top-notch team of subject matter experts, can now allow companies to improve safety, maximize productivity, and reduce costs, resulting not only in a strong ROI but also in the achievement of ESG goals.
Watersight Ltd. is a joint company of Newsight Imaging and Mekorot. Based on Newsight’s validated spectral chip technology, the AquaRing™ is Watersight’s flagship device for online condition-based monitoring (CbM). This technology allows for real-time water and liquid analysis alerts at an unbeatable price. Enhanced by ML and AI, the device enables accurate diagnosis of the water’s quality, safety, and security.
R2 provides the Open Radio Analysis (ORA) platform as a new layer for perimeter protection to overcome these challenges. The ORA is an affordable and superior radio surveillance system that passively receives the radio waves. Based on novel Signal Processing & AI algorithms, the ORA detects, classifies and geo-locates various kinds of intruders including wireless devices (e.g., drones, cellular, Wifi, Bluetooth) in multi-device and noisy environments, limited visibility scenarios and challenging weather.
Evolution Water:
Evolution Water is a leading innovator in water energy efficiency. Our Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning helps water utilities to cut their energy bill and optimize operations. Evolution’s AI matches supply with actual demand by reducing energy consumption and streamlining operation – all while maintaining Quality of Service.
IXDen, is a fast-growing company aimed at reshaping the operation of the OT teams and cybersecurity of edge devices in utilities. The company is introducing innovative AI-based prediction of equipment and process malfunctions, and achieving data integrity on a sensor level and at-the-source threat detection.
Prominent Case Study
Our Goal Is To Help Scale Up The Competitiveness.
of our portfolio companies' climate solutions, to turn them from islands of success to seas of change. We incorporate Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into our investment process and act in the best interests of our planet.
Mekorot invest in the following startups:
- R2
- Razorlabs
- Evolution Water
- Watersight
- IXDen