Using an innovation in nanomaterial technology we are changing the way water is treated. Our solutions for disinfection, phosphate recovery, and biofiltration are changing the economics of water treatment. At efficiencies thus far unattainable, private, industrial, and municipal water streams can now be treated. Our solutions capitalize on a nano-enhanced surface area and an porosity that treats water as it flows right through.
Daniel Saban
Company's Solutions
A phosphate recovery solution unlike any other, the PO4 Collector is a manufactured adsorbent that removes phosphorus in solution more efficiently than other products and is the first of its kind that allows P to be reclaimed. P04 can be lowered to below >0.09 mg/L (ppm) - PO4 Collector adsorbs >40x more P than other removal products.
For instantaneous and zero energy input disinfection our porous ceramic media is infused with a proprietary blend of antimicrobial nano-compounds - which kill bacteria faster and more safely than chlorine or bromine without any hazardous disinfection byproducts. Flexible in its application, reliable disinfection does not have to require high energy or chemical demands.
Reimagine biofiltration with nano-enhanced media that has an extraordinarily high surface area (~15 m2/gram >2,000,000 m2/m3) over 100 times higher than other porous media. NanoClear's ProBio Media uses these surfaces to allow for the growth of large microbial colonies that manage the organic load and nitrogen cycle in water. Applications include modular wastewater treatment, aquaculture, and pond/reservoir management.
Prominent Case Study
A system was designed to lower soluble phosphorus (SP) for the purpose of discharge permit compliance in a hydroponic cultivation operation in the United States. The system collects runoff water containing an SP of about 55 mg/L, and consistently reduces it to below 10 mg/L for discharge. PO4 Collector media was used to capture the SP. The footprint of the system is approximately 14 ft x 8 ft.
Phosphorus in the water comes from indoor plant grow tables that discharge between 1500 and 2000 gal/day. Water to be treated flows by gravity through the bagged media into a discharge tank. To increase capture efficiency, water is recirculated (~5 times the flow rate) from the discharge tank, to the inlet water, which increases the probability for SP capture.
Once adsorbed, PO4 ions can be removed with a hydroxide solution, allowing the media to be reused many times before replacement. The first tank in the system removes most of the SP and when it is close to saturation, valves are used to by-pass water through the other tanks to allow saturated media to be regenerated (remove SP from the media). Once regenerated, the media is then put back in service to remove more SP. The design allows regeneration done in-situ by using valves to isolate and regenerate one tank.
Discharge permit requirements are reliably met and the regeneration effluent is used on-site to supplement other liquid nutrients used to grow plants.