Gaon Technology, is a leading water meters provider in Israel with hundreds of thousands of meters installed nation wide. Gaon Technology is an incorporated and wholly owned subsidiary of Gaon Group (TASE: GAGR)
We develops and market advanced technological solutions for water measurement, control and monitoring systems, these technologies include our propriety ‘CityCom’ a control and management software and ‘Connect’ long range communication.
Company's Solutions
Innovative water measurement solutions addressing the growing demand for metering & control solutions based on advanced IOT technologies and on-line data
We have vast experience with AMI large-scale projects and we are able to develop and modify our solution to other producer and geographies.
CITYCOM Revolutionary OPEN state-of-the-art control & management system
The innovative and flexible CITYCOM platform enables the easy connection of a variety of communication standards and practically any meter type to the CITYCOM control and management system.
CONNECT Revolutionary Communication System
CONNECT provides exceptionally long-range remote water meter reading solutions, with fast and simple infrastructure deployment, significantly faster than the solutions currently available in the market. CONNECT offers stable UHF AMI/AMR communication over time, lowering the costs of installation and maintenance, along with minimal communication equipment positioning throughout the city advantage in terms of both visibility and resident objections.
CONNECT offers integrated water meters with communication module under-the-glass.
Prominent Case Study
Our subsidiary, Madey-Vered manufactures, assembles, calibrates and supplies multijet water meters for different applications (e.g. municipal, agriculture, renovated, bulk) with our technology. It implements our AMR/AMI technologies in both turnkey and supply agreements projects in Israel with very high reception level and customer satisfaction.